LUPTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS - Usually held at Kitridding Farm Click here.
The Parish Council holds public meetings at least four times each year commencing at 7.30pm.
Dates for the current year are below. Additional meetings may occasionally be called to deal with urgent matters.
You are welcome to attend, there is a Public Participation section of each meeting for members of the public to speak on any matter relating to the parish. Alternatively you can contact any Member or the Clerk between meetings to raise any matters.
Scheduled Council Meetings 2025:
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 7th May 2025 at 7.30pm at The Plough Inn, Lupton. This will be the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting
Agenda - Click Here (To Follow)
Budget Statement - Click Here (To Follow)
Cash Statement - Click Here (To Follow)
Every year each parish is required to hold an assembly for local electors. Members of the public attend and may raise any matters relevant to the parish, local electors may vote on any issues. The Parish Council and other local organisations give annual reports. The Chairman of the Parish Council hosts and arranges this meeting but it is not a Council meeting.
The next Annual Parish Assembly will be held in 2025
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